Saturday, September 21, 2013

Benefits of Ergonomic Bathroom Design

When setting up for a bathroom building or remodeling project, you need to consider making a plan for an ergonomic design. Even if it is small and simple, an ergonomic bathroom design can make your bath feel more comfortable.
You might have seen this kind of bathroom; the bathtub is too narrow or too high, the closet is too small, the towel hanger is located in a wrong spot and splashed by water all the time. In such cases, it means that the bathroom design is not ergonomic.
Bathroom remodeling ranks number one among America's most commonly performed home improvements. This is because today, many individuals consider their bathroom to be some kind of personal retreat, a separated space from the noise outside, where they could relax with complete privacy. The standard rules do not apply anymore. Function, openness, performance as well as easy to clean and maintain materials usually top bathroom requirements. When designing your bathroom, take into consideration layout of bath pieces, cabinet placement and your choice of finishes.
Why Ergonomic Bathroom Design?
Imagine if your bathroom has ergonomic design. The closet has perfect height even for kids, the towel rack or hanger is located on the right spot, the door is not jammed whenever you open it wide, the shower spot is not too narrow, and such. A simple bathing moment will be much more comfortable. Ergonomic bathroom design is also much safer for kids and elderly. For example, kids can take a bath on their own easily, and the elderly will not easily slip and fall when they take a shower themselves.
In conclusion, even though it sounds simple, making an ergonomic bathroom design is more important than putting more emphasis on design and look. Even if the bathroom looks nice, a non-ergonomic bathroom design will turn every bathing experience into ordeal.
Set a realistic remodeling or makeover budget. When establishing a budget, take into account your bathroom design ideas that you want and if you can afford them. Also, take note that it is less expensive when you do not anymore relocate the plumbing fixtures like the sinks or toilets; if you have a small budget, consider incorporating the present layout of your bathroom into your new design. Think of function first. Always take into account functionally in mind as your bathroom is your workstation for getting ready for your day ahead as well as your place for recovering and resting after a hectic day. So keep these in mind when selecting your shower, tub, toilet, sink and other bath pieces.

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