Monday, December 2, 2013

Consider Environmental Bathroom Design

Many homeowners today are very pleased with the concept of environmental bathroom design. In fact, most of them provide environmentally friendly design that is too much to give a variety of complementary furnishings that have the same design with a variety of plants in the outdoors. To add a sense of environmentally friendly, they also put native plants in various corners of the bathroom. This is done so that the impression of environmentally friendly can perform optimally. Of course this is overkill for most people, but it is fun to get a bathroom that has an atmosphere like being in an outdoor environment.
When considering environmental bathroom design we also have to remember the combination design will apply on all parts of the room. This is done so that we also get maximum natural atmosphere. If we apply the minimalist impression on every piece bathroom, of course we will also use a minimalist furniture. However, the furniture that we use also should have a natural component in some parts. This would be a good combination between minimalist furniture with natural design. Usually in some parts of the room that contained in the bathroom with the concept of transparency. It is located on one of the walls of the room are made of glass and allows us to see beyond the immediate neighborhood. Of course it would be very interesting if we also put a bathroom near the park next to the house. So the garden atmosphere are outdoors will also blend with the condition in the bathroom.
Actually, we could also use some additional supplies to showcase impression of environmental bathroom design. For example, by putting some flowers complete the vases on the sides of the bathup. Maybe this is too much, but we can try. The whole relationship which is at the edge of bathup can be used as an attractive decoration. In fact, to be able to add the impression of comfort we can deliver the kind of flowers that have a variety of colors. This is to give joy contained in the room. We also can put some flowers on the sink. It would be more interesting for flower display will also be reflected through a mirror located in the sink.
Usually bathrooms featuring environmental bathroom design will also use some bathroom fixtures associated with the concept. In the shower room located beside bathup can we put some soap container that has a floral design or dominated by the color green. The lighting in this room can also be combined with decorative lights embedded on the bathroom ceiling with lights on the wall.

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